Here in the Middle

Here in the Middle

“Can’t go back to the beginning. Can’t control what tomorrow will bring. But I know here in the middle, is the place where You promise to be.” – Elevation Worship 

What a perfect reminder. Lately I have found myself getting so caught up in what the future has in store for my life and whether or not God’s ultimate plan lines up with my dreams. While my faith in God has always been something I put first in my life, I find it very difficult to wholeheartedly trust in the Lord and hold steadfast to His promises. In complete honestly, I have been in a constant push-back battle with the Lord for a few months now. If you would have asked me a month ago about my walk with God and where I was at with putting my faith in Him, I probably would have told you it was going great and I was learning to trust God more and more each day with open hands. But that would’ve been a lie.

Recently, I came to the realization of just how ignorant and selfish I have been with my will for my life plans compared to what God wants and has in store for my life. I have been fighting this season God has specifically placed me in just because I believe that my plans are greater than His. I have been trying to force God into a tiny box while I try and take my life into my own hands. As I listened to the song “Here Again” by Elevation Worship, God completely broke me as I was reminded of the phrase faith like a child. My first thought when considering this phrase has always been “what a cliche Christian expression.” But over the past few days, the Lord has really opened my heart to understanding the full meaning of childlike faith. One of the things I admire most about kids is the way they never seem to dwell in the past, yet they don’t really worry about what the future holds. They live in the now and marvel in the things that God has blessed them with in the present. The lyrics “but I know here in the middle is the place where You promise to be” perfectly puts into words what God has been teaching me in this season. Rather than choosing to focus on the past or the future, I am called to live right her in the middle because this is exactly where God wants me to be and the best is yet to come.

The song goes on to say “I’m not enough unless you come, will you meet me here again.” These words truly resonate with where I’m at now in accepting and appreciating this season of life God has specifically placed me in. The Lord has been reminding me that even when I don’t see the purpose and ultimate plan, He will still be right alongside of me just like He promises.  He reminds me that it is when I am fully open and receptive to His plans, then I can begin to fully appreciate the work He’s doing in my life. I know full well that on my own, I will never be enough and I will always choose what I feel is best for me in the moment, but God wants me to invite Him to meet me where I’m at. While I may not always be content with the season of life I’m in, I can trust that the Lord is by my side and I want is His support and encouragement. He doesn’t ask me to understand (and I don’t think I will ever fully comprehend His reasons), He’s just patiently waiting for me to turn to Him and say “okay God, Your will be done” and receive all He has to offer with open hands.

(P.S. I highly recommend listening to Elevation Worship’s full album “Hallelujah Here Below,” it’s amazing and holds so much truth!)